Biasa dengar lawak pasal top management lesson? cerita nie aku dpt masa buat management course dulu sebelum berpindah kerja ke tempat baru.

cerita nya begini, dlm versi ingris, kalu hangpa kurang pahap hangpa boleh copy kat google translater.

A Red Indian
> walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand and a
> bucket of buffalo manure in the other.He says to the
> waiter, 'Me want coffee.'
> The waiter says,
> 'Sure chief, coming right up...'
> He gets the Red
> Indian a tall mug of coffee, and the Indian drinks it down
> in one gulp, picks up the bucket of manure, throws it into the air, blasts it with the shotgun,then just walks out.
> The next morning
> the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, 'Me want coffee'
> The waiter says,
> 'Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What the heck was all that about, anyway?'
> The Indian smiles and proudly says,
> 'Me training for top management position:
> Come in....drink coffee....shoot some crap....leave mess for others to cleanup...disappear for the rest of the day....'

apa punya boss, cakap bodoh marah. dia ingat aku baru keja semalam ke apa? nak kata aku tere tidak la, tapi dunia dah 2/3 aku pusing.
tengok company vision, OMG + MAK DATUK. memang class, tapi keja??? kalu org lain tak boleh nak bagi pendapat, dan rasa pendapat org lain bodo, baik humban ke longkang je cooperate vision tu. lepas nie aku panggil mamat nie "red indian tak pung "tonto"

sebagai pekerja yg makan gaji nie la cabaran dan dugaan yg perlu aku tempuh. apa nak buat bapak aku bukan ketua UMNO. kalu tak dah lama aku jadi bos. tapi kalu aku jadi bos aku akan jadi bos jahat tapi baik. bukan bos buat2x baik tapi jahat.


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